New York –June 28, 2013
A bicycle racer on his way to a race in Brooklyn this morning was struck by a speeding driver. The driver then left the scene of the crash.
Police and friends of the cyclist are looking for the identity of the driver, and are seeking information from the public.
At approximately 5:10 AM today Saturday, Jeff Owens, 38, who rides for the Kissena Team was traveling by bicycle to Prospect Park, Brooklyn when he was struck at the cross section of Clinton and Gates Aves. in Brooklyn.
“Not nudged, not bumped, but hit from behind at a high speed,” said his friend and teammate J.P. Partland. Both cyclists are part of a team that is registered with Century Road Club Association.
“The back of his bike crumpled and he flew up over the hood and roof and down onto the pavement behind the car.”
We reached the cyclist after his stay at the hospital and this is what he said about the crash:
“I was headed southbound on Clinton Ave. Coming to the intersection of Greene Ave, I noticed the car stopped at the light, which was green. It was turned slightly right, as if they were making a decision on whether to turn or not. I passed on the left, to avoid being right-hooked. Then, about halfway down the block towards Gates Ave, I hear a “vrooming” engine and next thing I know a loud noise and I’m hurtling in the air over the car down the street. I hit at least one parked car on the left before landing on the pavement.”
The driver then fled the scene, without speaking to Owens or learning if he was okay. Owens was taken to a nearby hospital in Brooklyn, where friends say he is “okay.”
According to Mr. Partland, no witnesses stepped forward at that time. The driver was waiting at a green light, then floored it, crashing into Mr. Owens. The driver slowed for a moment and then sped off.
Mr. Partland is also seeking information regarding the presence of any video cameras on Clinton Ave. starting at Grand.
Mr. Olson was wearing white bike clothing, and had a light on the back of his bicycle. Please write to if you have any info.