Are More Women Riding Bicycles?

Two gurus who have published numerous reports on the state of cycling are offering a free webinar next week on who is cycling and why.

The sessions on May 15 at 12 noon (Eastern) will help bicycle businesses and others understand the changes in the bicycling public: is ridership going up or down? Are more women riding, or fewer? And what about kids?

The seminar is being offered free to anyone in the bicycle business said the researchers, Elliot Gluskin and Jay Townley who have been providing research on what cyclists do in the United States for years.  (Normally the webinars cost $49.)

The data being presented next Wednesday will focus on why people are riding, how many are riding, and how the trends have changed since 2000.

Their data is based on the National Sporting Goods Association’s information that is recorded at local bike shops.

Among the talking points that Gluskin and Townley will cover are:

  • 2013 American bicycle riding participation compared to 2012 and the previous fourteen years going back to 2000.
  • The changes in bicycle riding participation among children and Americans 17 years of age and younger.
  • The changes in adult bicycle riding participation among Americans 18 years of age and older,
  • The changes in the gender of adult bicycle riding participation.
  • The opportunities for bike shops in the trends and the latest bicycle riding participation data.

The researchers say the seminar is being offered free as part of Mother’s Day and Armed Forces Day present, and it will be recorded so if you can’t make the live presentation you will receive the recording.

Click this link to sign-up for our May 15, 2014* Webinar starting at 12:00 Noon Eastern (11:00 AM Central, 10:00 AM Mountain, 9:00 AM Pacific).

*NoteThe May 15 date may be moved one week to May 22 if there is any delay in the NSGA releasing the 2013 Bicycle Riding Participation data.

For more information, you can contact the company directly, Gluskin Townley Group, LLC., 281 Indigo Way, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18104, Phone: 610.624.1690. or at their website.



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