Hincapie to Appear at Star Track Benefit in June

Star Track, the group that provides cycling track training for children in New York will be holding a fundraiser with George Hincapie this June.

George Hincapie

Parents and others wishing to meet the famous pro cyclist who retired from a successful career as a bike racer more than two years ago, will need to pony up $500 a seat for the honor.

Hincapie who is originally from Colombia, is well liked among cyclists in New York, and his soft-speaking style is endearing.

He has often appeared at city cycling events, including the infamous Century Road Club Association race over a decade ago when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu interrupted the race when he decided to take a stroll through the park and police security stopped the event mid-race with massive sand trucks parked in the middle of the road.

He also made an appearance at the start of the first Gran Fondo NY in 2011, posing for photos at the start line on the George Washington Bridge.

Hincapie retired during the massive doping investigation that targeted his U.S. Postal Team teammate and friend Lance Armstrong.

Hincapie at the first Gran Fondo NY start line at the George Washington Bridge in 2011. (c) Benepe

Though Armstrong was banned for life from competing in cycling, Hincapie and seven others who were said to have participated in the scheme were not.

At the time, Hincapie made public admissions of his involvement. He was also put in the uncomfortable position of offering evidence against his friend Armstrong.

Despite those admissions, Hincapie remains enormously popular with Americans, and indeed, New Yorkers.

Money raised will support the track program which is held mostly in Queens at the Kissena Velodrome.

Ticket holders will also be entitled to take a ride with Mr. Hincapie the next morning in Central Park, weather permitting say the organizers.

Last year’s event sold out.

The facts:

Drinks, Dinner and a Talk with George
Thursday, June 19, 2014
6:00 – 9:00 P.M.

To benefit Star Track training for children at the Kissena Velodrome (now a part of Bike New York.)

Barbone Restaurant
186 Avenue B
New York City

To RSVP, please email startracknyc@gmail.com and indicate how many will be in your party.

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